Five Minute Friday-Offer

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.Hebrews 13:15 (ESV)

Offer, what do I have to offer up to Jesus who has blessed me so much. Nothing I could do could do justice. I sit in awe at all God has done for me.

I can offer praise to God by using my gifts to bless others. Words of encouragement. Food for their bodies and sharing God’s word to feed their souls.

I can offer songs of praise as I look at all God has created-birds, animals, butterflies, all the beautiful trees and flowers. All cause me to burst out in praise and to offer my joy. Ultimately Jesus wants us to take time to enjoy his creation and continually offer up praise for all he has done and created in this world and my life.

9 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday-Offer

  1. Good Morning Nancy,
    You are the second “new to me friend” I have made this morning through the FMF linkup! I so appreciated your comment which then brought me to visit you. The word prompt made me so realize what God truly wants from me, from us, is our devotion. I have 2 quotes written in the back of my Bible:
    “Worship –> Worth-ship, the acknowledgement of the worth, that is in our God.” (D. Barnhouse)
    “Worship is a way of gladly giving back to God the radiance of His worth.” (John Piper)
    May we be faithful to offering Him our praise! Blessings!

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  2. I am trying to offer more praise in my day! There’s so much to be thankful for! This is a great reminder to not overlook all the little things God has provided for us! Thanks, Nancy!

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